Moving Beyond Depression
About The Curriculum:
Moving Beyond Depression (MBD) is an evidence-based, comprehensive approach to identifying and treating depression in mothers who are participating in a home visitation program. A key component of MBD is the provision of training to Home Visitors and other early childhood professionals to identify and intervene early for mothers showing symptoms and features of depression. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is the tool that assists health professionals or case managers to diagnose if further treatment is needed for depression.
On average, one in ten women experience symptoms of depression. One in nine women experience symptoms of Postpartum Depression, but this number can be as high as 1 in 5 depending on environmental factors. When left untreated, depression can negatively impact both mother and baby in many ways. Fortunately, if treatment is provided, these children will be more likely to avoid developmental delays, academic underachievement, and emotional and behavioral problems.
The core feature of MBD is the proven effectiveness of In-Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IH-CBT) where licensed mental health clinicians focus solely on mental health and provide 15 weekly treatment sessions to mothers within the comfort of their home during an ongoing home visiting service.

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