Connecting families to community programs
We are ready to connect you to services offered in the community!
To find out more, call us at (305) 541-0210 or email us at
What is Connect?
Through Florida Prenatal and Infant Screens, Connect identifies needs and links families to the programs that best serve them. This coordinated intake and referral process ensures the best fit for families and streamlines access to services. At the same time, it improves program enrollment and retention rates, reduces duplication of efforts and builds a broader early childhood system of care in Florida.
Connect helps pregnant women, fathers, caregivers and families with young children by providing a one-stop entry point for needed services, such as education and support in childbirth, newborn care, parenting, child development, food and nutrition, mental health and financial self-sufficiency.
How can I find out more?
Call us at (305) 541-0210 to speak with an Intake Coordinator or email to explore your options.

Pregnancy education and support
Childbirth education
Newborn care instruction
Breastfeeding education and support
Parenting education and support
Counseling services
Help to quit smoking
Infant safety
Nutritional education
School readiness
Child development education and support
Family planning education
Car seat safety
Home visiting services
Other community resources
Home Visitation Programs

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
You can make an impactful difference in Miami’s underserved children’s lives when you donate! Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade’s revenue is derived in part from donations like yours!