Interconception Care
About The Curriculum:
Interconception Care (ICC) focuses on women’s overall health before, during, and after pregnancies by providing education and support. There are several main factors that affect the health of women and infants both preconception and interconception, which include current and previous medical history, behaviors, and social risks.
A woman can improve her health preconception or interconception by controlling or preventing certain problems (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity), eliminating tobacco use, attending regularly scheduled well-visits, dental visits and much more. Participating in these positive behaviors will greatly reduce the risk of an adverse outcome of a pregnancy.
During the period of interconception, several action steps can be taken to improve the outcome of the next pregnancy such as waiting at least one year between pregnancies, connecting to programs such as Home Visitation, WIC, and family planning, and completing attendance of postpartum visits. Additional factors that can negatively affect the outcome of a pregnancy include high levels of stress, physical abuse, and unaddressed mental health disruptions.
For assistance or more information, please contact HSCMD at 305-541-0210.
Show Your Love Topics:
Be active
Folic acid
Get regular checkups
Harmful chemicals
Healthy diet
Learn family health history
Manage health conditions
Mental health
Other infections
Plan pregnancies
Prevent unplanned pregnancies
Reduce or stop alcohol
Reduce stress
Sexually transmitted infections
Stop drugs
Stop partner violence
Stop smoking

Contact CONNECT to see if Healthy Start is right for you and your family.
Phone Number: (305) 541-0210
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