Florida State University
Partners for a Healthy Baby
About The Curriculum:
Partners for a Healthy Baby (PHB) is a research-based, practice-informed curriculum developed by Florida State University. It has been used in several evidence-based programs that have achieved positive outcomes as documented in numerous studies. The curriculum is unique in that it addresses issues of child health and development within the context of the multifaceted needs of expectant and parenting families.
The research-based content in each PHB book supports the home visitor’s ability to systematically plan home visits and addresses key topics that are essential in achieving positive outcomes for both the family and program. The FSU PHB Curriculum includes four books: Before Baby Arrives, Baby’s 1st Year, Baby’s 2nd Year and Toddler’s 3rd Year. Each book has a set of guidelines to assist the home visitor, which in turn better assists the families. These tools also include research-based information, a user guide overview of topics, and full-color handouts.
PHB positive outcomes include:
- decreased incidence of low birth weight
- fewer small for gestational age babies
- fewer repeat pregnancies
- reduced rates of physical abuse and neglect
- increased rates of up-to-date immunizations and enrollment in a medical home
- significantly greater likelihood mothers will read to their children
- improved child development and increased maternal responsiveness of adolescent mothers.
For assistance or more information, please contact HSCMD at 305-541-0210.

Contact CONNECT to see if Healthy Start is right for you and your family.
Email: info@hscmd.org
Phone Number: (305) 541-0210
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