Parent(s) and Parents to Be
Becoming a Parent
Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and rewarding life events that will ever happen to you. But it can also be a period of time of many “unknowns” and feeling like you’re the only one going through it. We hope that our website can provide you with a sense of calm and the resources to help you through those long nights and most importantly, the unknowns.
We hope that the following information can provide you with important information as you become a parent for the first time or as a second time parent who needs guidance on how to do it all over again.
As a hub for resources and information, the Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade knows the importance and value in providing resources to you. The Family Resource guide is a gateway to a vast variety of resources available in Miami-Dade County to meet your needs. You may download this for free and/or print it out and use it as needed. We hope that you find great value in this wonderful resource guide.
Healthy Start Services
If you’re currently pregnant, one of the first steps to ensuring your baby gets a Healthy Start in life is to visit your OB/GYN and complete a Florida Prenatal Screen. While completing the Florida Prenatal Screen, we encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns with your OB/GYN and, if interested, provide your consent so that a Healthy Start Intake Coordinator can contact you to provide more information. All Healthy Start services are FREE of charge and encourage and promote a healthy pregnancy. Ask your OB/GYN for the Florida Prenatal Screen at your first or next visit!
Once you deliver, you’ll be asked a few questions, which help complete the following documents:
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- Florida Infant Screen
When completing the Florida Infant Screen, the questions you answer will help determine the services that can best be offered to you. Please note, in order to participate in the Healthy Start Program, you must provide consent and sign the Florida Infant Screen. Your information is held strictly confidential. Once submitted, an Intake Coordinator will contact you as soon as they receive your information.
Below you will find more information on other available programs.
Safe Sleep

For more information on Safe Sleep, click on the link below.
Drowning Prevention
Drowning is the leading cause of death in many counties in the State of Florida and these deaths are 100% preventable. Please do not let your child become part of this devastating statistic.
Did you know?
- A child is 100 times more likely to drown in a pool than be killed by a gun
- 90% of the drowning occurs when the child walks out the door without anyone noticing
- The majority of children who drowned walked out of their home through the sliding glass door
- 1-3 year-olds are the most likely to drown
To learn more about what you can do, please click below.
Car Seat Safety
One of the most important purchases a parent will makes is a car seat, which will keep their baby safe while transporting them from the hospital for the first time to the baby’s new home and day-to-day.

For more information, please click the link below to find all the necessary information and tips from picking the right car seat, to car seat installation. Our Healthy Start Program is proud to have Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians available to assist you with car seat installation. If you need assistance, apply for FREE to our Healthy Start program and, if eligibility is determined and available, Healthy Start will assist you.

Additional Information
Perinatal Bereavement Resources
Support groups are available for families in Miami-Dade County who have lost a baby at any stage of pregnancy or are experiencing a newborn death. These services are absolutely free and confidential.
How can I find out more?
Call us at (305) 541-0210 to speak with an Intake Coordinator or email to explore your options.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
You can make an impactful difference in Miami’s underserved children’s lives when you donate! Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade’s revenue is derived in part from donations like yours!