Healthy Start 

Healthy Start

Healthy Start legislation provides the administration of the Florida Prenatal and Infant Screen to all of Florida’s pregnant women and infants to identify those at risk for poor birth, health, and developmental outcomes.  ALL high risk pregnant women are eligible to participate in Healthy Start, including postpartum women and their infants and children up to age three. The goal of Healthy Start is to reduce infant mortality, reduce poor birth outcomes and improve health and developmental outcomes.

Key Components

Implemented April 1, 1992, the key components of Florida’s Healthy Start include:

    • Administer the Florida Prenatal and Infant Screen to identify pregnant women and infants at risk for adverse birth, health, and developmental outcomes.
    • Care coordination and services that support families in reducing the factors and situations that place pregnant women and infants in jeopardy for poor outcomes.

For Professionals

The Healthy Start methods of outreach for services include client identification, public and private provider recruitment and community education. Outreach is approached systematically in a family-centered, community-based manner in order to promote improved pregnancy and infant health outcomes.

For Families

Through care coordination, our Home Visitation Program provides knowledge, encouragement, referrals, and support necessary to maximize families’ health, well-being, and self-sufficiency. Home Visitors achieve this goal by helping participants receive the appropriate interventions needed to improve situations that place them at risk. Home Visitors strive to ensure the participant’s continued involvement in prenatal and child health care as well as community and Healthy Start services.

Referring to Healthy Start

If you are not an OB/GYN, Prenatal Care Provider or a hospital but would like to refer a client or enroll yourself into our program, please fill out a Connect Self-Referral Form.

Below is the required documentation for submission:

    • Referring Agency Information
    • Clients Demographic Information
    • Reason for the Referral in Additional Comments
    • Obtain Client’s Verbal Consent

For assistance or more information, please contact HSCMD at 305-541-0210.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

You can make an impactful difference in Miami’s underserved children’s lives when you donate! Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade’s revenue is derived in part from donations like yours!

7205 NW 19th Street,
Suite 500,
Miami, FL 33126

Call Us: (305) 541-0210

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7205 NW 19th Street, Suite 500,
Miami, FL 33126
Monday to Friday — 8:30am to 5pm
(305) 541-0210