Case Review Team (CRT)
In the FIMR process, the CRT examines fetal and infant deaths in order to achieve a better future for all children and families. Each case reviewed provides us with an opportunity to look more broadly at community and system circumstances.
Sources of data may include vital records data, prenatal, delivery, neonatal and pediatric records, autopsy medical records, physician and hospital records (along with those from home visits), Healthy Start, WIC and additional social service records when available.
CRT members include a broad range of medicine and health professionals, organizations and public and private agencies (health, welfare, education and social services), consumers and maternal child health advocates.
The process of the CRT includes:
- Data abstraction from hospital, medical and vital records by a nurse/medical records abstractor
- A maternal interview
- A de-identified fetal and infant death case review
- Did the family receive the services they needed?
- Are there gaps in the system?
- What can this case tell us about how families can best utilize existing local resources?
- review the case summaries to identify barriers to care, gaps in services, trends in service delivery and availability of community resources for families
- document what opportunities for improvement exist
- report their findings to the Community Action Group (CAG)

How can I find out more?
Call us at (305) 541-0210 or email to explore your options.
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