HSCMD Executive Committee Meeting
ZoomMEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210
MEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210
MEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210
MEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210
MEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210
MEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210 Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94559721371?pwd=MXVFelh5K1Q2RUhaaElabGZSZ3dBQT09 Meeting ID: 945 5972 1371
MEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210
MEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210
MEETING WILL OCCUR VIA ZOOM If you would like to request the password information for this call please make the request to: Admin@hscmd.org or call the office at 305-541-0210