Contact Us
Get in Touch!
7205 NW 19th Street, Suite 500
Miami, Florida 33126
Phone: (305) 541-0210
Fax: (305) 541-0213
Please provide all public records requests to HSCMD’s records custodian at the above listed address.
For additional questions or concerns, you may also contact the Florida Department of Health, Healthy Start Program at 850-245-4465 or the Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions at their toll-free number 1-855-889-1090.
Want to make a Donation?
Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade’s revenue is derived in part from donations like yours!
Our Office
Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade
Phone: 305-541-0210
Address: 7205 NW 19th Street, Suite 500, Miami, FL 33126