Community Initiatives and Partners
As Miami-Dade County’s prenatal and infant care coalition, HSCMD proudly partners with local organizations and healthcare professionals to plan, coordinate, and provide high quality health and education services to women of childbearing age, pregnant women, fathers, infants, children up to the age of three.
Through collaboration with our community partners and service providers, the Coalition ensures the provision of high quality, effective services for our target population. Through new initiatives, we build on our foundation and current programs. The Coalition strives to use creative outreach and engagement strategies to improve the community’s knowledge about our services and available resources to decrease the rates of infant mortality, pre-term births, and low birth weight, improve pregnancy outcomes, and promote the enhanced birth and developmental outcomes of children ages birth to age 3.

Previous Initiatives
Healthy Beginnings for Babies
United Way MomCare Education Program
HSCMD Outreach Initiative
Closing the Gap
Breastfeeding Taskforce of Miami-Dade
Fresh from Florida Kids
Black Infant Health Practice Initiative (BIHPI)
Healthy Babies Are Worth The Wait